Tuesday 24 April 2007

The Golden Mugs proposal - important info


Please note the following important details regarding The Golden Mugs proposal:

1) While the sign up sheet only accommodates 18 names, there are no restrictions as to the number of artists who can participate. Please add your names to the bottom of the sheet if there are no more designated lines.

2) Artists who have signed up for this project will receive an email by the end of the week notifying them of the image’s required format. The due date for the submission of images has been postponed to Friday, May 4th rather than May 1rst. Further details will be sent via email.

3) Everyone participating in the project (curators and artists) will each be asked to contribute 15 pounds in order to cover mug production costs. However, as mentioned in the proposal, proceeds of coffee/tea and Ebay sales will communally go towards the reimbursement of this initial cost.

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